The Things I’ll Miss Most About “Home”

The things I miss most about "home"

I may not say it very often, but there are a lot of great things about being here in Washington.  I don’t really consider it my home anymore, because as they say, “Home is where the heart is,” and my heart just isn’t here, but it’s where I grew up and the place I come back to time and again, if for no other reason than because my family still resides here.

If I had to guess, I’d say my heart is currently scattered in small bits on at least three continents, but I digress.

The point is, I may not agree or identify with American culture in many ways, and that fact has played a large part in keeping me on the road these past few years, but there are a number of intangible things (and a few tangible) that I miss dearly each time I leave that I wish I could just tote around with me wherever I go.

In no particular order, here are a few of the things I’ll miss most about “home” while I’m off chasing intangibles around the globe:

1. Someone to take care of me when I’m sick – There are only so many things you can ask of the new friend you just made on the bus, and holding your hair back while you puke isn’t one of them.

2. Kicking around the house while scantily clad – I’ve never much cared for pants.

3. Furry friends – There’s something so incredibly soothing about cuddling a dog or cat, or any pet for that matter.  We’ve always been a pet family–mostly dogs and cats–but in the past our menagerie included horses, goats, birds and gerbils as well.

4. Calling friends without worrying about a time difference – So many times on the road, the exact moment I need to talk to someone important is exactly x hours too late.

5. Hearing friends’ voices and laughter – I can usually just think of someone’s laugh and it will make me smile, but there’s so much more satisfaction in hearing it live.  This is why Skype is typically my favorite form of communication while traveling, so oblige me, friends.

6. Familiar smells – Pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, freshly baked banana bread, our lilac tree blooming in the spring…to name a few.

7. Celebrating milestones – With increasing frequency, I’m absent for big moments in people’s lives.  I just hope they know that I’m beaming with pride and toasting to them from across the oceans.

8. My family – Sure, we have our differences.  Okay, a lot of them.  But at the end of the day, I owe everything I am and everything I’ve accomplished in this life to the people who’ve had my back unconditionally since the day I was born.

The list could go on!  What do you miss most about the place you call “home?”
How do you cope with homesickness in moments of weakness?
